Module 1: Welcome to your Change Journey
Session: Reflect
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What do your scores tell you about how ready, willing and able are you to navigate change?
You scored yourself on each of these questions:
How important is this change to you? (where 0 is low and 10 is high)
How confident are you about making this change right now? (where 0 is low and 10 is high)
How ready are you to make this change? (where 0 is low and 10 is high)
Based on the scores you gave yourself, please reflect on the following for each one, and write your reflection in your change journal.
- Why are you at your current score and not zero?
- Why are you at your current score and not at your current score minus two?
- Why are you at your current score and not at your current score plus two?
- What would it take for you to move to a higher score?
With regard to how important the change is:
- What has made this change important to you so far?
- What would it take to make this change even more important to you?
With regard to how confident you are:
- What would it take to make you more confident to make this change?
With regard to how ready you are:
- What would it take to make you more ready to make this change?