Helping you to better navigate life's changes. #LoveChange

Module 1: Welcome to your Change Journey

Session: Reflect

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What do your scores tell you about how ready, willing and able are you to navigate change?

black and white pattern

You scored yourself on each of these questions:

How important is this change to you? (where 0 is low and 10 is high)

How confident are you about making this change right now? (where 0 is low and 10 is high)

How ready are you to make this change? (where 0 is low and 10 is high)

Based on the scores you gave yourself, please reflect on the following for each one, and write your reflection in your change journal.

  1. Why are you at your current score and not zero?
  2. Why are you at your current score and not at your current score minus two?
  3. Why are you at your current score and not at your current score plus two?
  4. What would it take for you to move to a higher score?

With regard to how important the change is:

  1. What has made this change important to you so far?
  2. What would it take to make this change even more important to you?

With regard to how confident you are:

  1. What would it take to make you more confident to make this change?

With regard to how ready you are:

  1. What would it take to make you more ready to make this change?