Helping you to better navigate life's changes. #LoveChange

Module 2: Thinking about change

Session: Reflect

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The exercise in the last session may have been difficult but, hopefully, enlightening and eye-opening. You might have some new awareness about yourself – but what do you do with that insight?

Just keep reflecting on it.

In your change journal, write some notes about what those insights were, and about any thoughts or feelings you have about them.

It may help to consider and answer some of these questions:

  • Did anything stand out as being particularly helpful or painful during last session’s exercise?

  • Do you think you have a better understanding of what might be holding you back in making a change? If so, what are those things? And how are they holding you back?

  • Do you think you have a better understanding of why you might be doing things, or not doing things, that are standing in the way of you making a change? Write some thoughts about that.

  • What are your thoughts about your competing commitments? How are you grappling with them? Which commitment feels like it has more influence or sway? Why?

  • As for the change you want to make, how are you feeling about it? If you don’t make the change, where will you be one year from now? And five years from now?