Helping you to better navigate life's changes. #LoveChange

Module 2: Thinking about change

Session: Do

11 of 12


The assumptions you got to in the last step probably reflect some of your long-held beliefs and worldviews. Whether they’re objectively true or not is irrelevant – they feel true to you, and they deeply influence your choices and behaviour. They’re the ideas that, perhaps unconsciously, but very powerfully, guide what we do (or don’t do).

Now that you’ve discovered some of your competing commitments and deeply-held assumptions, the question is: what do you do with them? And how can this exercise help you overcome your immunity to change?

As we said before, this part of the process is all about awareness. For now, it’s less important to act on your assumptions than it is just to think about them. Which is why, in the next session, you’re going to reflect.